Saturday, 30 June 2012


Just a very quick post to say hello and welcome everyone to this new blog that I`m creating to help build awareness for a very important and almost entirely overlooked spot in a not terribly well known part of Canada.  Ferguson Lake is a very large marsh lake located just 10 minutes from Grande Prairie, the regional center for much of North West Alberta.  I doubt many people in the area know that this lake exists, summer home to Canada geese, several varieties of ducks, gulls, and other water fowl, multiple types of frog, some muskrats and even a group of beaver settled in one constructed outlet.  Deer can often be seen at one end of the lake and moose like to hang out in willowy sloughs just off the lake.  Coyotes  and raptors (including a few bald eagles over the past decade) hunt the pasture and fields around these sloughs and the lake edge itself.  Temporary visitors can include herons and pelicans generally make a visit as they pass through the area in July.

And resting on the edge of this lake since the 1930`s has been my family`s farm.  I`m one third of the second generation of Jacksons to grow up on the edge of this lake, and it is a very large part of who I am.  It is my great pride to share this important place with the rest of the world, and my larger hope that this sharing will raise enough awareness that Ferguson Lake can be protected from some very real dangers.

So, welcome!  Maybe you can come visit in person one day.